Would You Like to Play with The Rabbits on Okunoshima Island? Then Stay at Kyukamura Ohkunoshima!

When mentioning Hiroshima Prefecture, people usually think of the Atomic Bomb Dome and Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island. However, "Rabbit Island," Okunoshima Island, has become a must-visit tourist destination, especially popular among young women.

There are approximately 700 to 1000 wild rabbits living on the island, and the only accommodation available on the island is "Kyukamura Ohkunoshima." Let Japan Collect introduce you to a paradise where you can stay and enjoy these adorable rabbits!

Why Are There So Many Rabbits on Okunoshima Island?

On the remote island of Okunoshima in Hiroshima Prefecture, there are many rabbits, but they are not kept in captivity. These rabbits are wild and live freely in the natural surroundings of the island.

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So, why are there rabbits on Okunoshima Island?

The most likely explanation is that in 1971, rabbits from a local elementary school were released onto the island and began breeding there (there are various versions of this story). The significant increase in the rabbit population is largely attributed to the food they receive from tourists.

According to people who visited Okunoshima Island over 20 years ago, there weren't many rabbits at the time, and tourists had no idea that there were rabbits on the island. Around 2011, it started gaining attention as "Rabbit Island" through domestic and international media, rapidly increasing in popularity and becoming one of Hiroshima Prefecture's major tourist attractions.

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Rather Than Just a Day Trip, We highly Recommend Staying Overnight at Kyukamura Ohkunoshima!

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While many people opt for day trips to Okunoshima Island due to its convenient transportation, if you love rabbits, we suggest staying at Okunoshima Vacation Village instead of a day trip!

By staying overnight, you not only have ample time to play with the rabbits but also get to interact with them during their most active morning and evening hours or before the day-trip tourists arrive when they might be hungry. Additionally, you can participate in various free activities like observing fireflies by the sea, launching activities, morning activities, and walking parties. Relaxing in a hot spring is also quite enticing.

The only accommodation available on Okunoshima Island is KYUKAMURA OHKUNOSHIMA (camping is also an option).

Why is Okunoshima Island also known as "Poison Gas Island"?


Okunoshima Island earned the nickname "Poison Gas Island" because it was used for the manufacture of chemical weapons before and during World War II, including poison gases used in the Russo-Japanese War and the Sino-Japanese War. The island still retains remnants of the poison gas storage facilities and power plants. The juxtaposition of adorable rabbits against the backdrop of abandoned poison gas-related ruins is a unique scene that can only be found on this island, making Okunoshima Island a place where darkness and cuteness coexist.

How to get to Okunoshima Island?

You can reach Okunoshima Island by taking a ferry, with the most common routes being a 15-minute ride from Tadanoumi Port or Ōmishima Port. On weekends or holidays, you can also take the high-speed "Rabbit Line" ferry departing from Mihara Port.

The sightseeing high-speed cruiser SEA SPICA also stops at Okunoshima Island, but please note that its landing time is limited to 30 minutes and does not offer overnight stays.

  • Kyukamura Ohkunoshima
  • Address: Okunoshima, Tadanoumi-cho, Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture
  • Access: From JR Sanyo Shinkansen Mihara Station, take the JR Geibi Line for about 20 minutes to Tadanoumi Station → From Tadanoumi Station, it's about a 7-minute walk to Tadanoumi Port → Take the Okunoshima Vacation Village ferry or the Ōmishima Ferry for approximately 15 minutes to reach Okunoshima Island's port → There's a free shuttle from the port to the main building, and no reservation is required.
  • Business Hours: Check-in at 15:00 / Check-out at 10:00
  • Booking Sites: Booking.com  Agoda  Hotels.com

Crossing the Sea to Okunoshima Island, the Rabbits Will Come Running to You!

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Now, take a boat from Tadanoumi Port to Okunoshima Island!

The boat ride takes only 15 minutes to reach this rabbit paradise! Two vessels, one with a capacity for 300 passengers and another for 100 passengers, run almost alternately. In just 15 minutes, you'll soon spot the rabbits.

The rabbits on Okunoshima Island are incredibly friendly!

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As soon as you arrive on the island, the rabbits will come running towards the visitors! They are surprisingly friendly, making you wonder if they are truly wild. Another reason why this island is so popular is that the rabbits are not afraid of people, even though they are not domesticated.

Shuttle buses to Okunoshima Vacation Village will pick you up at the port based on the departure and arrival times of your boat.

Dining Is A Buffet And Bathing Is In Hot Springs! How To Have A Wonderful Time At Kyukamura Ohkunoshima

Kyukamura Ohkunoshima evokes the feeling of a tropical resort with palm trees providing shade. It offers both Japanese and Western-style rooms, suitable for families and solo travelers alike.

From the Japanese-style rooms, you can see the grassy grounds and the Seto Inland Sea as the sun sets through the windows. There are also plenty of adorable rabbits hopping around on the lawn! If you love rabbits, this hotel is a dream come true for you.

For those who are interested, there's an opportunity to observe sea fireflies during the evening.

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At night, those interested can participate in the "Sea Firefly Illumination Observation." This activity is held throughout the year, except on days when the weather is unfavorable, and similar conditions.

After listening to the staff's lecture about sea fireflies, everyone takes a stroll to the pier. Then, we pull up the collection device that has already been placed in the sea and observe the sea fireflies emitting a mysterious blue light in the darkness before us.

Opportunities to see real sea fireflies are rare. If you're staying overnight, be sure to join us.

Kyukamura Ohkunoshima also has a natural hot spring with radon gas.

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At Kyukamura Ohkunoshima, you can enjoy hot spring baths. It's a simple weakly radioactive cold mineral spring known as Seto Onsen, which contains radon gas.

There are separate male and female bathhouses, "Ōdateno-yu" and "Kodateno-yu," where you can relax and rejuvenate. After having your fill of playing with the rabbits, taking a dip in the natural hot springs is a fantastic way to unwind.

A 1-Circle Walking Route on Okunoshima Island! Plus, the Remnants of the Poison Gas Production Facility

You can take a leisurely walk around Okunoshima Island along a 4-kilometer walking trail. The tour takes approximately 70 minutes, but if you stop to play with the rabbits when you see them, it might take longer.

Along the way, you'll encounter remnants of the battery factory, the power plant, the Poison Gas Museum, and other historical sites. Bicycles are available for rent, but if you want to enjoy your time with the rabbits, walking is recommended.

You'll meet many rabbits on the 1-circle route around Okunoshima Island

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After checking out of Kyukamura Ohkunoshima, you can leave your luggage at the front desk and take a leisurely walk around the village. Although there are some ups and downs on the route, the path is well-maintained, and you'll see plenty of rabbits.

The rabbits are quite hungry in the morning, so if they spot a person, they will come running eagerly towards you.

No Taking Rabbits Home, But Please Take Your Trash Home! What to Know When Visiting Okunoshima Island?

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Do not interact with the rabbits on the roads or at the entrance to the Vacation Village for safety reasons. Avoid chasing or attempting to catch the rabbits.

To protect both visitors and the rabbits, other precautionary measures are also in place, so we recommend carefully reading warning signs upon arriving on Okunoshima Island.

Can you feed the rabbits? Is rabbit food available on the island?

There is no rabbit food available for purchase on the island. Okunoshima Island is a national park, and the rabbits on the island are wild.

Feeding the rabbits on Okunoshima Island is allowed. When feeding them, use rabbit pellets or fresh vegetables that rabbits can eat.

Be cautious not to feed them processed human foods such as bread or candy! Rabbits cannot eat grain-based foods.

As cute as they are, it is strictly prohibited to take a rabbit home with you

You can only take away memories and your trash. Especially make sure to carry your trash home to preserve the island's beautiful environment.


In summary, once you set foot on Okunoshima Island, a remote island in Hiroshima Prefecture, you will fall in love with the adorable rabbits. It's a rare paradise for rabbit enthusiasts worldwide, with friendly wild rabbits that aren't afraid of humans coming to visit you.

Staying at Kyukamura Ohkunoshima offers many exciting activities to enjoy. Come and experience this thrilling moment for yourself!

  • Address: Okunoshima, Tadanoumi-cho, Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture
  • Access: From JR Sanyo Shinkansen Mihara Station, take the JR Geibi Line for about 20 minutes to Tadanoumi Station → From Tadanoumi Station, it's about a 7-minute walk to Tadanoumi Port → Take the Okunoshima Vacation Village ferry or the Ōmishima Ferry for approximately 15 minutes to reach Okunoshima Island's port → There's a free shuttle from the port to the main building, and no reservation is required.
  • Business Hours: Check-in at 15:00 / Check-out at 10:00
  • Booking Sites: Booking.com  Agoda  Hotels.com

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